Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers- The Way Too Busy Version

Spring has sprung, and so have our is in full swing, school and church activites have amped up and I am traveling over the next three weeks. I get tired just thinking about all that needs to be done. I am overwhelmed- there, I said it.

Somehow, between traveling for work next week and swinging home for 24 hours before we go on a little vacation, I need to prep a bunch of clothes and toys for a big consignment event. NO TIME, however, I've got to get some of these things out of here or it's going to start looking like an episode of "Hoarders" or "Buried Alive" around here. Mom, if you are reading this, yes, yes, I know it already looks like that.

We are headed down to the beach this weekend to celebrate my mom's birthday- looking forward to some R&R and hope I can just enjoy it, not stress about all that still needs to be done.

I am overwhelmed. Oh, did I mention that already?

We celebrated the little man's 6th birthday at school yesterday...sweet. Good "do-over" of what C called "the worst birthday ever."

The home laptop acting funky and me not being able to download pics is getting really old. For Christmas, my brother gave me an IOU for an iPad 2 when they are released- so excited that it was ordered...should be here in late April. So- what apps do you love?

C returned to the plastic surgeon on Monday and he's healing nicely- so that's our big HOORAY for the week.

How to enjoy the leftovers:
1. Write out all the random thoughts swimming in your head that don't quite constitute a blog entry of their own.
2. Copy and paste the Leftovers photo onto your post (copy photo, upload to your post).
3. Link back to The Simple Life (
4. Enter your blog name and the permalink to your post into the comments section.
5. Visit all the other leftovers and leave your love over the weekend.
Stop by and give our original FNL host, Danifred, some love.

Friday, March 18, 2011

We All Need Friends Like This...

Last night I was at C's baseball practice and it is a whole new game this year. Gone is the tee to hit from and now it is machine pitch for the 6 year olds. As you can imagine, this is quite an adjustment and none of the kids are adept at getting hits off the machine yet. So, we have many swings and many misses, but the boys are looking better each practice.

It was C's turn at bat and his best buddy was on third waiting for him to get a hit. Two older kids were on the first row of bleachers and started talking some trash about C not getting a hit yet, out of earshot of C, but not out of earshot of his buddy B. I had to stifle myself for a moment, debated saying something to the kids, but then, before I could finish the thought, B stepped off third base and yelled over to the two kids, looked them square in the eye and said:


And wouldn't you know, those two older kids went silent after that. Thank goodness for a 6 year old with enough spirit and courage to do the right thing!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers- The Grumped Up Version

It's Friday Night Leftovers- but it's only fun if you play along.

- I cannot "find" the FNL image button on this pc this morning.

-Speaking of PCs, I need a new one. The current laptop the hubs and I share is on it's last legs, so no downloading photos (in what seems like ages), and I need to get all of my old photos off. How quickly can that be done with an external hard drive? Need to put my pennies together for a new pc, but it's a little lower on the list these days. Boo.

-The little man lost his third tooth last school...and swallowed it while eating a donut. And of course I'm thinking, "WHAT? He was eating a DONUT?" Kidding, kidding. He wrote a letter to the TF and she still managed to visit him.

-Shout out to my mama- my parents are keeping the little man tonight so the hubs and I can get a night a nice restaurant...with friends. Much needed right now!

-Don't ask about my crying jag over a pair of Elmo swim trunks (hormones, anyone?). On the positive side, after 6 years of not letting a thing go that was C's, I've talked myself into consigning about 1/2 of it. Now in all of my spare time (HA- what is that?) I need to get it all prepped.

-C is healing nicely from his recent injury- what an ordeal. I don't think being a mom gets easier; as he ups the injury ante my heart sinks into my stomach even more. A broken arm- walk in the park compared to splitting his forehead wide open, right near his eye, and requiring 70+ sutures. Anyone have an abundance of bubble wrap I can start using for him? I cannot even begin to describe what it looked liked prior to having surgery to repair, but believe me when I say it looks AMAZING (below) compared to what we started with. Follow up with the plastic surgeon again on 3/21.

How to enjoy the leftovers:

1. Write out all the random thoughts swimming in your head that don't quite constitute a blog entry of their own.

2. Copy and paste the Leftovers photo onto your post (copy photo, upload to your post).

3. Link back to The Simple Life (

4. Enter your blog name and the permalink to your post into the comments section.

5. Visit all the other leftovers and leave your love over the weekend.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes

We're a little weary around's been a rough week full of the unexpected, including a hospital stay, and the job is a bit let's go to something lighthearted and I'll post on the other stuff another time.

Tonight, at C's bedtime, I read the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho. The story told of the Israelites carrying the Ark with them on their journey...

Me: "C, do you know what the Ark is? What it holds?"

C: "It has the Ten Commandments."

Me: (Impressed!) "You're right! Where did you learn that? Sunday school?"

C: "No, Indiana Jones!"